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ClassificationMARITIME LAW
Sub – ClassificationSHIP ARREST
Issuance Dated 
Legal BasisLaw No 17 The Year 2008 concerning Shipping Law
Issuance by:Eggar Duara
Checking RegulationDoneby Dimitri

Related to the ship incident, Indonesian law has regulated a possibility to arrest a ship in order to solve a maritime claim. According to Indonesian Shipping Law which is stipulated in Law No 17 The Year 2008 concerning Shipping Law (“Shipping Law”), this regulation enacted a ship arrest provision as stated in Article 222 jo 223 paragraph (1)

Pasal 222 Undang – Undang Pelayaran

  • Syahbandar hanya dapat menahan kapal di pelabuhan atas perintah tertulis pengadilan;
  • Penahanan kapal berdasarkan perintah tertulis pengadilan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapat dilakukan berdasarkan alasan:
  • Kapal yang bersangkutan terkait dengan perkara pidana; atau
  • Kapal yang bersangkutan terkait dengan perkara perdata

--Unofficial translation--

Article 222 Shipping Law

  • Harbor Master is allowed to arrest a ship in port on written court orders;
  • Ship arrest underwritten court orders as referred in paragraph (1) may be made on the grounds of:
  • The concerned vessel is related to the criminal case; or
  • The concerned vessel is related to the civil case.

Subsequent to:

Pasal 223 UU Pelayaran

  • Perintah penahanan kapal oleh pengadilan dalam perkara perdata berupa klaim pelayaran dilakukan tanpa melalui proses gugatan;
  • Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai tata cara penahanan kapal di pelabuhan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diatur dengan Peraturan Menteri

--Unofficial translation--

Article 223  Shipping Law

  • An order to arrest a ship by the court in a civil case in the form of a maritime claim may be made without a civil lawsuit;
  • Further provisions concerning procedure for ship arrest in port as referred in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by Ministerial Decree

However, up to date there is no Ministry Regulation for arrest of ships without submitting civil lawsuit.

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