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ClassificationMARITIME LAW
Sub – ClassificationMARITIME LABOUR
Issuance Dated 
Legal BasisGovernment Regulation No 7 of 2000 regarding Marine;  
Issuance by:Eggar Duara

As one of Countries who has the largest seafarers working on the ship both under International or National Flag and voyage in International waters, Indonesia has issued national regulations which comply with the substance of Martime Labour Convention, 2006.

Further, to ensures seafarers during his duty on the Ship, Article 28 of Government Regulation No 7 of 2000 regarding Marine, regulates as follow:

Pasal 28

  1. Pengusaha angkutan di perairan wajib menanggung biaya perawatan dan pengobatan bagi awak kapal yang sakit atau cidera selama berada di atas kapal.
  2. Awak kapal yang sakit atau cidera akibat kecelakaan sehingga tidak dapat bekerja atau harus dirawat, pengusaha angkutan di perairan selain wajib membiayai perawatan dan pengobatan juga wajib membayar gaji penuh jika awak kapal tetap berada atau dirawat di kapal.
  3.   Jika awak kapal sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (2) harus diturunkan dari kapal untuk perawatan di darat, pengusaha angkutan di perairan selain wajib membiayai perawatan dan pengobatan, juga wajib membayar 100% dari gaji minimumnya setiap bulan pada bulan pertama dan sebesar 80% dari gaji minimumnya setiap bulan pada bulan berikutnya, sampai yang bersangkutan sembuh sesuai surat keterangan petugas medis, dengan ketentuan tidak lebih dari 6 (enam) bulan untuk yang sakit dan tidak lebih dari 12 (dua belas) bulan untuk yang cedera akibat kecelakaan.
  4. Bila awak kapal diturunkan dan dirawat di luar negeri, selain biaya perawatan dan pengobatan, pengusaha angkutan di perairan juga menanggung biaya pemulangan kembali ke tempat domisilinya.

Penjelasan Pasal 28 ayat 2

Awak kapal yang sakit lebih dari 6 (enam) bulan dan yang sakit akibat cidera tidak lebih dari 12 (bulan), dapat dipekerjakan kembali setelah sembuh dari sakitnya sampai dengan berakhirnya Perjanjian Kerja Laut.

 --- Free Translation ---

Article 28

1.     Shipping company is obliged to bear any treatment and medication cost for seafarer who suffers illness or injury while on board.

2.     Seafarer who suffers illness or injury caused by accident causing the seafarer cannot carrying his/her work or should be treated, the Shipping company aside from its obligation to pay treatment and medication costs, it is also obliged to pay the seafarer’s wage in full if the seafarer stays on board or treated on board.

3.     If the seafarer as stipulated in Paragraph (2) must be disembarked from the ship for treatment on ground, the shipping company aside from its obligation to pay treatment and medication costs, it is also obliged to pay the seafarer’s wage in the amount of 100% of the seafarer monthly minimum wage for the first month and in the amount of 80% of the seafarer monthly minimum wages for the following month until the concerned recover according to the medical doctor’s certificate, with the provision that it shall not exceed from 6 (six) months for illness and shall not exceed from 12 (twelve) months for injury caused by accident.

4.     If the seafarer disembarked and treated overseas, aside from treatment and medication costs, the water transportation company also bear repatriation cost to the seafarer’s place of domicile.

Elucidation Article 28 Paragraph 2 

Crew members who are sick for more than 6 (six) months and who are sick due to injuries are not more than 12 (months), can be employed again after recovering from illness until termination of the Sea Working Agreement.

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